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1do you believe in happy endings? Empty do you believe in happy endings? Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:23 pm


I believe that we write our own stories of life... especially love! Meaning, we make choices of our own, no matter how uncertain things can be! We have to risk in order to be happy, we need to choose even if we do not know if there's a happy ending.

I wrote my own story and I don't think I can end it... someone have to end it for me! I did believe in happy endings... but as of today, my answer is UNKNOWN!

A LOVE STORY - echojuliet

Since the day we met, I thought it would just end easily.
The way we knew each other was very unusual, almost unbelievable.
It was like all the good favors and luck came before us.
I lost you but then I found you again.
And it seemed to me that everything about us is set.
That we are destined and meant to be.
Every time I lose you, I always found you one way or another.
But we were apart, you had reasons that at that time was very hard to understand and even hard to believe.
Even if that was the case, I had never stopped hoping and wishing for us to be together.
We were young and naive then and at some point, we just didn’t care.
And the feelings became stronger everyday and it’s not what I expected.
We talked about us, planned to make everything for real.
Until there were moments that I thought of nothing
Other than spending the rest of my life being with you.
That happiness always meant listening and seeing you.
My world evolved within what I believed was your world, too.

But everything we had didn’t happen without any doubts.
A lot of things, worst at that happened. A lot of people got involved...

still to be continued... I hope my prince will have to give me my HAPPY ending! ",)


2do you believe in happy endings? Empty Re: do you believe in happy endings? Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:21 pm


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Administrative Team
this topic should be in literature:)


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