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1PeRfeCt OR ImPeRfeCt ReLAtiOnShip? Empty PeRfeCt OR ImPeRfeCt ReLAtiOnShip? Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:59 pm



I love it when I see you in my dreams
I don't want to wake up no more,
Touching your face, holding your hands,
hugging you tight, kissing you...

Always having good times together,
doing things we both enjoy,
not thinking of anything else but us...
We don’t argue, we laugh, and just have fun
And always understanding each other...

It's like having perfect relationship!

But then again I realize,
It's still best to wake up everyday
to see you in the real world and have our
not-so-perfect relationship...

Because even if dreams offer so much perfection
I know I will still choose the REAL you above anything...

Nothing compares to you.

After all, perfect relationship does not exist...
We do... US!
We exist for each other
and that's what matters most.



2PeRfeCt OR ImPeRfeCt ReLAtiOnShip? Empty Re: PeRfeCt OR ImPeRfeCt ReLAtiOnShip? Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:20 pm


Moderating Team
Moderating Team
who wouldn't ask for a perfect relationship?


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